Supporting the Long-Term Growth of Indiana’s Manufacturing Industry

Founded through a public-private-partnership, EMC2 operates a 60,000 square foot (5,575 sq meter) manufacturing facility that serves as a platform for manufacturing capability forming, research and development, focused on technology insertion and adoption.

Who We Are

We are doers and manufacturing practitioners. EMC2 is lean and hands-on. Short on talk, long on results.

What We Do

We provide manufacturing space, infrastructure, capabilities, and know-how for companies and entities looking to advance their products and production processes.

What We Aren’t

We are not a showcase or a museum of manufacturing technologies. We are not a maker space. We don’t sing Kum-by-Yah.

Why We Do It

EMC2’s mission is to advance Hoosier manufacturing technology creation and adoption.

Meet the Team

Gary Schloemer

Lead Automation & Systems Engineer

Georgian Simion

Operations & Engineering